Recently, CS2 Community members have spotted a few changes in the matchmaking system. Premier and competitive events from now will be 25 rounds long. Also, it looks like we will have to say goodbye to the shorter version of competitive mode, as Counter-Strike 2 focuses on immersive, extended gameplay. 



The developers have also removed the ability to play in teams of four. This is to improve the gameplay of the solo player and to prevent the four other players from kicking him. This is a system commonly used with success in other games, such as Valorant.



That change looks good for solo players, but the comments already show dissatisfaction from members of groups that have exactly four players. 

- From now on Competitive is first to 13 rounds (including Premier)

- Devs are getting rid of Short Competitive 

- Premier matches will have 20s freeze times, 1 overtime (the game ends as a tie, if you tie the OT), and four 30s timeouts


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